Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is a psychological theory that provides valuable insights into human motivation and well-being. This five tier model of human needs can be helpful in identifying our own needs (as well as deficits). Understanding this hierarchy can help you identify your own needs and work toward a more balanced and fulfilling life.

This model can help us notice, in real time, the importance of meeting foundational needs before we can effectively move up the pyramid and meet more complex needs, such as needs for esteem or love and belonging. For example, it will be difficult to sustain access to employment if we are lacking access to food and safe housing; alternatively, it will be difficult to focus on personal growth when we are struggling to maintain stable and healthy relationships.

Have a look at this model and imagine it like a block of cheese. Are there gaps in your own needs being met? Notice if your own model is looking like a block of swiss cheese, with many holes thoughout, and work towards filling in these gaps from the bottom up.