The Feelings Wheel:

Learning The Art of Emotion Identification

What is the Feelings Wheel?

The feelings wheel is a tool that was developed for accessing a deeper understanding of one’s emotions and emotional well-being¹. Feelings, often complex and elusive, can leave us struggling to identify and express them accurately. This tool can be used in therapy and beyond.

How to Use the Feelings Wheel:

  1. Check-in with Yourself: Pause to assess your current emotional state. Use the Feelings Wheel to pinpoint your feelings with precision.

  2. Communicate Your Emotions: Express your emotions using the common language provided by the Feelings Wheel. This enhances communication with others, whether in personal relationships, at work, or during therapy.

  3. Take Appropriate Action: With a clear understanding of your emotions, you can now take meaningful action to manage and explore them, fostering emotional growth and well-being.

The Feelings Wheel is a powerful ally on your journey toward emotional intelligence, healthier relationships, and enhanced well-being. Download it, explore it, and use it to unlock a deeper connection with yourself and others.

Why Learning to Name our Emotions in Real Time is Important for Well Being:

  1. Self-awareness: Labeling emotions helps us become more aware of our inner emotional states. When we can accurately identify what we are feeling, we are better equipped to understand the root causes of our emotions and how they affect our thoughts and behaviors. This self-awareness is a fundamental step in personal growth and emotional intelligence.

  2. Emotional regulation: Once we can name our emotions, we are more capable of managing them. When we feel overwhelmed or upset, being able to label our emotions can be a first step in regulating them. This allows us to make conscious choices about how to respond to those emotions, rather than reacting impulsively.

  3. Communication: Accurately labeling emotions improves our ability to communicate with others. When we can express our feelings clearly, it becomes easier for friends, family, (and our therapist!) to understand what we are going through. Effective communication of emotions can strengthen relationships, resolve conflicts, and foster empathy and support.

  4. Stress reduction: Research has shown that labeling emotions can reduce the intensity of negative emotions and decrease stress levels. When we put our emotions into words, it can help our brain process and manage them more effectively.

  5. Empathy and connection: When we understand and express our emotions, it can lead to greater empathy and connection with others. Sharing our emotional experiences can create a sense of mutual understanding and support in our relationships.


¹Willcox, G. (1982). The Feeling Wheel: A Tool for Expanding Awareness of Emotions and Increasing Spontaneity and Intimacy. Transactional Analysis Journal, 12(4), 274-276.